
The Pandemic brought Business Continuity issues to the forefront of many managers' thought processes. But is your business prepared for disruption, regardless of cause? This session will teach you key strategies and tactics to help your business survive


Upon completing this course, you should be able to: Define the goals and activities involved in the creation of a Business Continuity Plan (BCP), and contrast a BCP with a data backup strategy, Identify and assess critical risks to a company's operations, Classify identified risks into four timeframes for creating disaster recovery plans, Define three different types of data backups and explain the vital differences in how to create and store each so it can achieve its desired purpose


Identifying risks to Business Continuity, Differentiating between Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery, Implementing effective backup strategies, Creating an effective Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery plan

Who Will Benefit

Business professionals who desire to reduce the risk associated with business disruptions


Category Amount
Information Technology 8.00