
Some companies are "born" great; others change and become great along the way. This seminar will discuss how both new and established companies become great. This seminar benchmarks world class companies to understand the underlying principles that made them great. The seminar begins with key lessons about business start-ups from Paul Hawken, author of Growing a Business, and Guy Kawasaki, author of Art of the Start and Enchantment. Next, the seminar looks at research on existing businesses, beginning with the management classic In Search of Excellence and then focusing on Jim Collins' research presented in Built to Last, Good to Great, How the Mighty Fall and Great by Choice. Help your organization transition from being merely good to truly great.


The link between great companies and their core values Getting the right people on the bus and in the right seats The Hedgehog Concept - a model to identify your company's focal point to create maximum value How great company leaders differ Why a great company is like a flywheel Why some great companies fall from greatness

Who Will Benefit

Corporate financial managers


Category Amount
Bus. Mgmt. & Org. 4.00
Printed Materials must be ordered at least ten days prior to the start of the class.