
Auditors identify and assess the risks of a material misstatement by understanding the entity and its environment. Privately owned companies present unique challenges. During this course, we'll examine: Do identifiable controls exist? Do owners/managers promote compliance with company policies? Do owners/managers document controls and communicate them to staff? Are these controls observable? Can they be tested for operating effectiveness? Do owners/managers monitor employee performance and evaluate the controls in place?


  • Recognize high-risk areas applicable to private companies
  • Determine the best approach to deal with private company shortcomings in control activities
  • Identify the appropriate risk assessment procedures in the circumstances


  • Review of applicable auditing standards for risk assessment
  • Update for SAS #145
  • Identification and discussion of high-risk audit areas
  • Discussion and analysis of control risk vs. inherent risk
  • Practical approach to auditing companies where controls are minimal or not adequately documented
  • Detailed discussion and examples of risk assessment procedures and alternative approaches

Who Will Benefit

CPAs, accountants and auditors.


Category Amount
Auditing 4.00